Preventive Maintenance

Solving 5 maintenance issues with Preventive Maintenance Software features

Viki Dongre |

17 May 2024 |

11:23 AM

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In many maintenance departments today, people often wait until problems happen. They then try to fix them. This is sometimes called "firefighting." But there's a better way to stay prepared. Using Preventive Maintenance Software to plan and prevent problems.

It may seem costly in the beginning. But it's cheaper than dealing with big problems that happen when we don't take care of things early.

This is a comprehensive guide. It's for people who work in healthcare, farming, making things, storing stuff, and other jobs. It provides practical advice and strategies for optimizing equipment maintenance.

This guide helps with staffing, regular maintenance, and tricky problems. It shows how to simplify work, do more, and reach your goals. Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to costly repairs, downtime, and safety hazards.

Software like Proptor helps fix common maintenance problems. This blog will highlight five such problems and how this software can prevent them.

This helpful guide provides practical advice and strategies for optimizing equipment maintenance. It gives useful tips and plans for making sure machines work well. With these ideas, companies can make work smoother, get more done, and reach their goals better.

Focus Areas – Preventive Maintenance Software

People often wait for problems to happen in maintenance functions today. They then try to fix them. Often described as "firefighting". Yet, the superior approach is to embrace Preventive Maintenance strategies.

Even though it costs a bit at first, it's much cheaper than dealing with big problems later. Preventive Maintenance helps with taking care of homes and commercial facilities. It has four main parts to fix problems. Its problem-solving encompasses four key areas of focus:

1. Preservation of Critical Systems:

Foremost among priorities is the maintenance and preservation of critical systems. Preventive Maintenance helps them work well, so work can continue, and we don't lose money.

2. Efficient and Timely Issue Resolution:

The aim of Preventive Maintenance is to address and resolve problems and do it better. This minimizes operational disruptions and associated costs.

3. Root Cause Analysis:

Preventive Maintenance also involves identifying the root causes behind recurring breakdowns. If we fix these hidden problems, breakdowns happen less often. This saves time, money, and keeps things running.

4. Resource Allocation Optimization:

In preventive maintenance, it's important to identify significant problems. These are the ones that use up most of your resources. This helps use resources better and makes maintenance work well.

5 Common Maintenance Problems with Preventive Management Software Feature

1. Equipment Downtime:

Preventive maintenance's main goal is to stop equipment from unexpectedly breaking. Software like Proptor helps by planning regular check-ups for machines. It follows the maker's advice and how much the machine is in use to make sure it doesn't break.

2. Asset Tracking and Management:

Sometimes, companies have trouble keeping an eye on their stuff. This can lead to problems like losing things, buying the same stuff again, or not using stuff enough. Preventive maintenance software can gather all the info about things in one spot. It shows when things get fixed and how much they cost. This helps companies take care of their stuff better and make smarter choices.

3. Inefficient Work Orders:

If there's no organized system, work orders can get messy. This can cause delays, tasks getting missed, and confusion in the maintenance team. Preventive maintenance software helps make, assign, and keep track of work orders. It makes sure tasks get done on time and in the right order.

4. Inventory Management:

Having enough spare parts and stuff is super important to keep machines working. Preventive maintenance software can keep an eye on how much stuff you have and tell you when to get more. This way, you don't run out, and you don't buy too much, which can be expensive.

5. Data-Driven Decision-Making:

Sometimes, people decide how to fix things based on what they feel, not what the facts show. Preventive maintenance software can give important facts and ideas using charts and reports.
This helps companies decide when to do maintenance. It also helps them figure out how to use their resources. They can make decisions about getting new equipment based on real facts.
Proptor's easy-to-use tool helps maintenance teams do maintenance at the right time. This stops sudden problems and saves money on costly fixes. Experience up to 20% increased lifetimes of assets and better reliability.

Advantages of Preventive Maintenance

Reduced Equipment Downtime:

Preventive maintenance is good at stopping equipment from breaking and causing downtime. It helps organizations avoid expensive disruptions to important work by fixing problems early.

Enhanced Asset Longevity:

Preventive maintenance contributes to prolonging the lifespan of assets. This leads to extended usage, reduced replacement costs, and improved return on investment.

Increased Efficiency:

Well-maintained assets tend to operate well. Preventive maintenance makes sure machines are in good shape. This helps them work better and saves energy.

Improved Workplace Safety:

Preventive maintenance also plays a vital role in enhancing workplace safety. Regular inspections and upkeep help identify potential hazards, aligning with OSHA compliance requirements.

Cost Savings Over Time:

Even though it costs money at first, preventive maintenance saves a lot in the end. Things last longer, use less energy, and don't cause big problems, which saves a ton of money.

Reducing Downtime Yields Savings:

Good preventive maintenance programs have many advantages. Their focus is on making sure machines and systems work well all the time. This helps prevent downtime. It also stops sudden problems on production lines and saves a lot of money.

Lowering Emergency Maintenance Work Orders:

Preventive maintenance programs also reduce unexpected breakdowns and emergency maintenance requests. This smart way of working cuts down on emergency costs. It saves money on buying parts and getting things done overnight.

Prioritization Errors:

Before implementing a preventive maintenance program, prioritization is essential. It's important to find the things that can stop problems before they happen. By aligning preventive maintenance with critical equipment, organizations maximize the program's benefits.

MRO Inventory Mishaps:

Maintaining a solid Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO) inventory is crucial. This makes sure that the people who fix things have all the tools and stuff they need to do their job well. Discovering missing tools mid-work order is not only frustrating but also inefficient.

Documentation Oversight:

Keeping track and writing down preventive maintenance jobs is important. It helps make the program better and find problems. A computer system like CMMS can give lots of details and reports to help bosses make good decisions.

Business Intelligence:

Look at a well-made dashboard for businesses. It helps you see the money spent when equipment stops working overtime. You can also see if this money is a big or small part of the company's earnings. The dashboard shows if the problem happens a lot or a little and how much it costs. It also uses smart tools to find out why equipment breaks down again and again.

Important Preventive Maintenance Software Features to Consider

Different organizations use different tools for preventive maintenance. To have a good preventive maintenance program, pick digital apps like Proptor. They can predict problems, make equipment last longer, and save money. It's usually cheaper to prevent problems than to fix them later.

1. Automated Workflows

Automation helps make a clear process that fits your needs. Your papers go through the steps without needing a technician or inspector.

When it's approved, the papers go to the boss or project owner by themselves. You don't have to send them through email.

2. Document Distribution

Preventive maintenance software helps you update and share forms faster. It has company templates, so you can access checklists and reports. You can finish them online in real time and share them with your team.

3. Scheduling Tasks

Use preventive maintenance software to plan regular tasks. These tasks can include things like yearly check-ups or renewing contracts. It sends reminders to keep you updated on the task status.

4. Work Order Management

Keep tabs on your advancement through work order management strategies. After finalizing tasks, generate reports for in-depth data analysis. Maintain communication with your team and enhance work coordination across various job sites.

5. Reports

Digital reports organize data in a structured way for your back office. This makes it easier to keep track of equipment and prevent issues like breakage and erosion.

Using the right tools for preventive maintenance helps prevent problems from happening again. These tools include digital workflows and mobile forms.

Learning how to use them can help you avoid unplanned equipment breakdowns. It also helps you save money.

6. Asset Management

Create checklists for your machines to track their history. This helps you know if your machines are working well, and it makes them last longer.

7. Preventive Maintenance Checklist

Without this software, the maintenance team must do tasks themselves. It can make them more productive and help them focus on tasks. This can result in unproductive maintenance work. But this software changes the game by including a preventive maintenance checklist feature.

This feature means making a checklist for all the tasks in an asset work order. This way, the maintenance team doesn't have to track things; the software does it for them. This enhances their productivity and enables them to rank tasks.

8. Prioritizing Maintenance Tasks

It's important to decide which tasks to do first, especially when there are many things to take care of. Imagine a maintenance team has two things to fix, but one is much more important than the other. If they start with the less important one, it could slow down production. So, deciding what to fix first is super important. Hence, the significance of prioritizing maintenance tasks becomes evident.


Preventive maintenance features have revolutionized the way we address common maintenance problems. By using these features, people who take care of homes and buildings can save time, money, and worry.

Taking care of your property early on is important. It helps to prevent problems like heating or cooling issues. It also avoids leaks, electrical troubles, roof problems, or elevator breakdowns. So, don't wait for issues to happen. Begin preventive maintenance now with Proptor. It will help maintain your property's good condition and save money in the long run.