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Choosing the Best CMMS Software: A Detailed Comparison

Software | | By | 22 Nov 2023 | 06:40 AM

Aerial view of an industry worker standing on top of the silo.

Imagine a tool that helps businesses keep their equipment and assets running smoothly, track maintenance schedules, and prevent unexpected breakdowns. It's like having a trusty manager that ensures everything runs perfectly. 

In this article, we will understand the ins and outs of CMMS software, what it is and it can help you for your businesses. 

CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) software is a valuable tool designed to streamline and enhance maintenance operations in various industries. It serves as the backbone for managing assets, equipment, and maintenance tasks efficiently. 

What is a CMMS Software?

CMMS software simplifies the process of creating, assigning, and tracking maintenance tasks. It ensures that routine inspections, repairs, and servicing are carried out on time, reducing downtime and costly breakdowns.

With CMMS software, you can maintain a comprehensive database of your enterprise level organizations, from machinery and equipment to facilities and infrastructure. This visibility allows you to optimize asset performance and extend their lifespan.

CMMS Software Comparison


Key Features of CMMS Software

1. Cloud-based System

One of the essential features to look for in CMMS software is a cloud-based system. With a cloud-based CMMS, you can access the software from anywhere with an internet connection. All you need to do is open your web browser, log in, and start working. 

This feature offers convenience and flexibility, making it easy for both new and experienced users to access and use the software seamlessly.

2. Simplified Work Orders

Efficient work order management is crucial for maintenance operations. Look for CMMS software that allows users to create, assign, and manage work orders easily, regardless of the device they're using.

With simplified work order management, you can prioritize tasks, understand work instructions clearly, and complete work orders efficiently, eliminating guesswork and confusion.

3. Integrations

Integration capabilities are vital for a CMMS system. Your chosen software should seamlessly integrate with other existing systems within your organization. 

This means you can connect your CMMS with machines and other Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) programs to exchange information seamlessly. Integration enhances data accuracy and streamlines your maintenance processes.

4. Asset Management

Comprehensive asset management is a core feature of CMMS software. It allows you to have all your asset information at your fingertips. You can quickly build asset hierarchies, add equipment, and intuitively organize assets using drag-and-drop functionality. 

Additionally, you should have the ability to import existing asset data from sources like Excel, making it easy to migrate from other systems.

5. Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is a critical aspect of CMMS software. This feature enables you to schedule maintenance tasks based on date and time triggers, alarm-based triggers, and meter readings. 

With automated task lists, you can ensure that maintenance process are regularly followed, and you'll receive notifications for upcoming maintenance activities, helping you prevent costly breakdowns.

6. Total Customization

Flexibility and customization are key to tailoring CMMS software to your organization's unique needs. The best CMMS software should allow you to customize it quickly to suit your workplace. 

Drag-and-drop functionality should make it easy to add or modify custom fields, ensuring that the software aligns perfectly with your specific requirements.

7. Mobile App

If your chosen CMMS software is cloud-based, it should offer a mobile app for added convenience. With a mobile app, all your data is backed up daily, and you can enter information, work offline, and access new work orders and requests using your mobile devices, tablets, or smartphones. 

This level of accessibility ensures that your maintenance team can stay productive from anywhere and at any time.

CMMS Software Comparison: Proptor Vs Upkeep Vs Limble Vs Fiix

Choosing the right CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) software is crucial for optimizing your maintenance operations.

Proptor vs Upkeep

Proptor and Upkeep are both reputable CMMS solutions, but they cater to slightly different needs.


Proptor offers an intuitive interface and robust asset management capabilities. It excels in preventive maintenance planning and ensures compliance and safety standards are met. Proptor's integration capabilities provide a seamless experience.

Features of Proptor

  1. Proptor offers a rich array of features designed to streamline your maintenance management processes. With custom templates, you can tailor the system to your specific needs. The platform also allows for mandatory item tracking and includes time-stamped photos for thorough documentation.

  2. Efficient issue identification and resolution are at the core of Proptor's capabilities, along with an escalation protocol to ensure swift incident resolution. You can stay informed through email and push notifications, even when on the go, thanks to its mobile maintenance management feature.

  3. Monitoring key metrics, managing asset transfers, and visual documentation with remarks are all part of Proptor's toolkit. Work order generation, barcode scanning, and detailed reporting further enhance your maintenance operations.


 Upkeep takes a mobile-first approach, making it ideal for agile maintenance teams on the go. It's popular among industries like manufacturing, property management, and transportation. 

Upkeep's features include work orders, maintenance checklists, inventory management, and more. However, it's priced per user, which can be costly for larger teams.

Features of Upkeep

  1. UpKeep offers features like Work Order Management, Preventative Maintenance (PM), Predictive Maintenance (PdM), Materials Management, Equipment Breakdown Reports, Approval Management, Task Templates, Vendor Management, and robust Reporting & Dashboards.

  2. It provides an Asset Register for meticulous Asset Tracking, allowing you to monitor and manage assets efficiently. 

  3. The platform also offers the capability to track asset relationships, enabling you to understand the connections between different assets.

Pros of Using Upkeep

  1. One of the standout features is its remarkable user-friendliness. Navigating the software is a breeze, making it accessible to users of all backgrounds. Additionally, the response time is impressively fast, ensuring that tasks get done efficiently.

  2. The convenience of having a mobile app further enhances the user experience. It simplifies communication with your team and keeps everyone on the same page.

  3. Moreover, the software offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs. It boasts a streamlined workflow that is both concise and easy to follow.

Cons of Using Upkeep

  1. However, there are a few downsides to be aware of. Some users have reported frequent system freezes, which can be quite frustrating, especially when you lose unsaved work.

  2. The development team appears to have some limitations in finalizing the program for users, potentially restricting certain features or functionalities.

  3. Furthermore, there are limited options for editing how reports are printed, and the process of uploading photos and documents can be tedious, as it requires uploading them one by one instead of allowing for batch uploads.

Proptor vs Limble

When it comes to Proptor and Limble, the choice depends on your asset management needs.


 Proptor offers comprehensive asset management tools, including real-time asset data tracking and KPI monitoring. It's suitable for organizations of all sizes and excels in organizing assets with a parent-to-child hierarchy.


 Limble CMMS is best known for its enterprise asset management (EAM) capabilities. It allows you to track the entire asset lifecycle and provides features for predictive maintenance, work orders, custom reports, and inventory management. 

Limble offers two plans, catering to both small and large teams.

Features of Linble

  1. Limble offers Work Order Management, Preventative Maintenance (PM), Predictive Maintenance (PdM), Materials Management, Equipment Breakdown Reports, Approval Management, Task Templates, Compliance Auditing, Vendor Management, and a suite of robust Reporting & Dashboards.

  2. Limble excels in Condition Monitoring. This encompasses Predictive Inspection, ongoing Monitoring, Condition-Based Maintenance, and a comprehensive understanding of various Asset Types.

  3. Limble offers an insightful dimension with Analysis & Insights, providing valuable recommendations that enable data-driven decision-making and further optimize maintenance strategies.

Pros of Using Limble

  1. The standout feature of this CMMS tool is its incredible ease of implementation and use. It's a game-changer for any company looking for a straightforward solution. 

  2. But what really sets it apart is the exceptional customer support that comes with it. When you invest in this tool, you're not just getting software; you're getting a dedicated team that's always ready to assist.

  3. The software itself is highly effective, but the customer support takes it to the next level. Many users have found it to be a blessing, especially if they've never used a maintenance CMMS before.

Cons of Using Limble

  1. However, there are a few areas where some users have encountered challenges. First, there's a need for offline access. Currently, the tool requires an internet connection to function, which can be limiting in certain situations. It's worth noting that the developers might be working on this issue.

  2. Another common concern is the frequency of signing out on mobile devices, which some users find a bit bothersome.

  3. Additionally, some users have reported difficulties in setting up maintenance intervals based on hour meter readings. They've expressed a desire for a more straightforward method for tracking and scheduling these readings.

Proptor vs Fiix

Comparing Proptor with Fiix and highlighting their distinct strengths.


Proptor prioritizes user-friendliness, preventive maintenance, and integration capabilities. It ensures compliance and safety standards and offers total customization to align with your organization's unique workflows.


 Fiix software focuses on work order management, asset management, parts, and supplies management. It's known for its simplicity and affordability, making it suitable for small to large teams. However, if you need a feature-rich solution, Fiix may not be the best fit.

Features of Fiix

  1. Fiix CMMS offers Work Order Management, Preventative Maintenance (PM), Predictive Maintenance (PdM), Materials Management, Equipment Breakdown Reports, Approval Management, Task Templates, Compliance Auditing, Vendor Management, and robust Reporting & Dashboards.

  2. Fiix extends its capabilities to Condition Monitoring, which includes Predictive Inspection, Continuous Monitoring, Condition-Based Maintenance, and proficiency in handling diverse Asset Types.

  3. Fiix empowers users with valuable insights through its Analysis & Insights feature, which includes the capability to identify and address the Root Cause of maintenance issues. 

Pros of Using Fiix 

  1. Managing assets and schedules with Fiix is a breeze. The tracking system is user-friendly, making it a functional tool for businesses of all sizes.

  2. One notable advantage of Fiix is its excellent customer support. The support team is not only friendly but also highly responsive, addressing questions and resolving issues promptly.

  3. Creating items within the Fiix system is remarkably easy. Whether you're starting a new business, managing an existing one, or overseeing a rapidly expanding enterprise, Fiix adapts seamlessly.

Cons of Using Fiix 

  1. However, there are a few drawbacks to consider. Canceling your Fiix account can be a frustrating process, and this can negatively impact the overall customer experience.

  2. Another area of frustration lies in generating reports within Fiix, which can be quite challenging at times.

  3. Additionally, Fiix's support resources appear to have some limitations. For instance, the search function in RFQs may not search for suppliers as expected, as it primarily focuses on an address field, rendering it less effective than desired.

Use Proptor as Your CMMS Software

Proptor is a versatile and powerful CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) software that offers a comprehensive solution for managing maintenance and asset data. 

Whether you are a facility manager, maintenance professional, or part of an organization seeking effective maintenance management, Proptor can serve as the ideal CMMS software for your needs.

Features of Proptor

1. Streamlined Maintenance Operations

Proptor simplifies maintenance processes by providing a user-friendly interface to manage work orders, track assets, and plan preventive maintenance tasks. With Proptor, you can optimize maintenance schedules, reduce downtime, and extend the lifespan of your new services and equipment.

2. Asset Management Made Easy

Efficient asset management is crucial for any organization. Proptor offers robust asset tracking and management capabilities, allowing you to monitor assets in real-time, track their maintenance history, and ensure they are operating at peak efficiency.

3. Preventive Maintenance Planning

Proptor empowers you to establish a proactive maintenance program. You can create and schedule preventive maintenance tasks, ensuring that equipment is serviced before issues arise. This helps in reducing unexpected breakdowns and associated costs.

4. Integration Capabilities

Proptor seamlessly integrates with other enterprise systems, providing a unified platform for managing maintenance, asset data, and more. This integration streamlines processes, enhances data quality, and facilitates better decision-making.

5. Safety and Compliance

Proptor prioritizes safety and compliance by helping you adhere to safety standards and regulations. It provides tools to maintain a safe working environment and ensures that your organization complies with industry standards.


Proptor's user-friendliness, asset management capabilities, customization options, integration capabilities, and focus on safety make it a standout choice for organizations seeking top-notch CMMS software.

It is intuitive and user friendly, thus very accessible for different types of users. The amount of features offered sets it apart from the industry competitors.

Plus the integration is seamless and safety and compliance are of very high standard. 

In conclusion, Proptor is not just a CMMS software; it's a powerful tool that can transform your maintenance operations, improve asset management, and enhance safety and compliance.